Our Common Screening Tool

Matching appropriate housing, health and support services to people experiencing homelessness in Brisbane

Photography: Katie Bennett


  Transition in Progress

We are currently in the process of transitioning from the Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT) to the Australian Homelessness Vulnerability Tool (AHVTT) and implementing a new system for the Brisbane Zero By-Name List data.

While we finalise this transition, we will not be able to generate our regular reports and update the By-Name List data and common triage tool dashboard.

Your patience during this period of improvement is greatly appreciated as we aim to provide more effective, real-time data to help us ensure that homelessness in Brisbane is rare, brief, and non-recurring.

You can still see our data up to September 2024.

While the Brisbane Zero team works toward having reports for the AHVTT live, you can still check the data for the Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritisation Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT) from 2019 up to September 2024.

The Vulnerability Index Service Prioritisation Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT)

It is a voluntary screening tool based on people's disclosed information and it is used to provide appropriate housing, healthcare, and community services according to people needs.

  • The VI-SPDAT is a screening tool used to identify the needs of a person or family with children experiencing homelessness. It helps match them with appropriate support services and housing options using a Housing First Framework. 


    The tool provides a score indicating the level of vulnerability, which can be used alongside case coordination.
  • The score provided by the VI-SPDAT is used to indicate acuity (vulnerability) and the type of housing and supports required for safe and secure housing:


    - Low: Requires access to affordable housing.


    - Medium: Requires affordable and stable housing with short-term support services.


    - High: Requires Supportive Housing - Affordable and permanent housing with embedded healthcare and support services.

Learn more

about the By-Name List, the AHVTT, and the Advance to Zero Framework.